Erté Bronze Sculpture
Complete Catalog
This is a very special collection that a private collector has put together. He received some of his sculptures from the foundry before their release in New York. He had a very special relationship with the artist, gallery and foundry. This is an impressive and historical collection.
Serious inquiries only, thank you.
This Collection includes:
Alphabet Lady, Amants, Amazon, American Millionairess, An Evening in 1921, An Evening in 1922, Angel, Aphrodite, Arabian Nights, Arctic Sea, Asian Princess, Astra, Autumn, Bacchante, Bal Tabarin, Bamboo, Beauty and the Beast, Belle de Nuit, Belle du Bal, Beloved, Broadway's in Fashion, Butterfly Lady, Byzantine, Cabaret, Cafe Society, Caramelle, Chinchilla Sleeves, Chinese Legend, Copacobana, Cornucopia, Daydreams, Deco, Directoire, Diva, Dream Girl, Dreambirds, Duetta, Ecstacy, Elegance, Emerald Nights, Emerald Vase, Ermine Brocade, Fantasia, Faubourg St. Honore, Feather Gown, Fedora, Femme de Luxe, Femme Fetale, Firebird, Firedancer, Fireleaves, Flames of Love, Flower Petal Gown, Folies Bergere, French Rooster, Gala, Golden Fleece, Heat, Helen of Troy, Her Secret Admirers, Hera & Zeus, Ibis, Ibis (Bird Head), In the Evening, Iras, Je I'aime, Joie de Vivre, Julieta, Justice, King's Favorite, Kiss of Fire, La Coquette, La Dansuese, La Femme a la Panthere, La Joulouise, La Mervelloise, La Mysterieuse, La Plume, La Tosca, Ladies in Waiting, L'Amour, L'Amour du Vin, Le Danseur, Le Masque, Le Soleil, Les Bijoux de Perles, Letter "F", Liberty, L'Orientale, Love Goddess, Lovers & Idol, Madame Butterfly, Masquerade, Melisanade, Mermaid, Michelle, Monaco, Moonlight, Motherhood, Negligee, No. 1, On the Avenue, Opening Night, Peace, Perfume, Pillow Swing, Pleasure of the Courtesan, Printemps, Prisoner of Love, Radiance, Ready for the Ball, Rigoletto, Roaring Twenties, Rose Dancer, Rue de la Paix, Samson & Delilah, Scheherezade, Sirens, Sisters, Soleil de Nuit, Sophisticated Lady, Spider Web, Splendor, Starfish, Starstruck, Stranded, Summer Breeze, Tanagra, The Globe, The Hunting, The Mystic, The Slave, The Wave, The Wedding, Three Graces, Top Hats, Triumph, Tuxedo, Twilight, Two Vamps, Venus, Victoire, Willow Tree, Wisdom, Woman & Saytr, and Zobiede!