Robert Stephen Simon

Robert Stephen Simon Original Paintings and Lithographs

Robert Stephen Simon Original Paintings and Lithographs

Robert S. Simon
Robert Stephen Simon is an artist who depends on his technical skills, working as easily with still life's, landscapes, anatomical subjects e.g., ballet or portraits from live settings.
His versatility and range of technique, mediums and style are unique among contemporary artists. "Technique is the medium through which artists communicate, but what we communicate comes from the heart. I want my audience to see into the hearts and emotions of my paintings, I work to create an energy field within each piece which may be felt by the viewer who shares my emotions and visions of beauty. I rely upon this beauty to attract the eye and release the heart." In his work, Mr. Simon goes beyond the obvious to create a concept and mood conveyed through strong design and composition. His use of chiaroscuro( dramatic lighting) and draftsmanship invite you to experience his art in its purest form.
Mr. Simon's paintings are designed to make a definitive statement add to the world something that didn't formally exist, have an everlasting quality, and take a risk.
As a painter of Romantic, classical realism and shock the eye photorealism, Mr. Simon's work has won many prestigious awards and has captured the imagination of collectors all over the world, including the White House. The Eagle Club of Washington, D.C., The International Society of Artists, The Baseball Hall of Fame, and many private collectors including The White House collections of former President George Bush and President Barrack Obama.