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What are the most unique pieces of art?

9 of the world’s most unique pieces of art

Have you ever wondered what the most unique pieces of art in the world were? If so, then look no further. Below we have 9 of the world’s most unique pieces of work.

Big Rig Jig - By Mike Ross

This piece was made from two discarded 18-wheel tankers, and doubles as both a sculpture and observation tower. It may look as if it can barely support itself, but it is actually completely possible to climb inside of the sculpture as well as to the top of it. It was commissioned by the organizers of the Burning Man festival In Bevada but was transported back to Oakland, California after its debut.

Art Eggcident - Henk Hofstra

The Dutch artist Henk Hofstra is responsible for the strange piece of art placed in Leeuwarden, Netherlands and for the pun by which it is known. There are several large eggs that are placed in Zaailand, one of the largest city squares in the Netherlands for six months during the year 2008.

My Bed - Tracey Emin

Tracy Emin’s unmade bed has been considered one of the most shameful pieces of art in history. It is adorned with empty bottles, cigarette buts, a curious dog toy, and stained sheet and shows the intimate details of the artist’s life. On top of that,the individuals who have been unlucky enough to share the bed with Tracy have been immortalized on the walls of a tent titled “Everyone I have ever slept with”. - there are over 100 names on this list.

Vanitas: Flesh Dress for an Albino Anorectic

The Montreal artist Jana Sterbak created the Flesh Dress that was displayed in the national gallery of Canada - something that caused much controversy. The piece was said to be a comment on bodily vanity as well as a reminder that no matter how much we try to beautify our bodies we’re all still little more than meat hanging from bones.

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living – by Damien Hirst

Damien Hurst is considered one of the most controversial British Artists of the last century. The most famous piece of his is his pickled shark called, ”The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.”

The World’s Smallest Sculptures – by Willard Wigan

Willard Wigan, a dyslexia sculptor from Birmingham is most famous for his creation of the smallest sculptures in the world . Many of his sculptures are so tiny that they could be mounted in the eye of a needle or on the head of a pin. Wigan has even created mini models of the Obama family. However, his most famous work is his recreation of Michaelangelo’s David, which was made from a single grain of sand.

‘Shed-Boat’ – by Simon Starling

Simon Starling created what is now known as the Shed Boat. He said that the shed has a pedal on it’s side already when he’d found it and that that inspired him to turn it into a boat. After this he turned it back into a shed for an installation in Tate Modern. It may seem like a waste of time but it won Starling 25,000 euros back in the year 2005. Once he won the price he stated that he was a very lick artist, a point that everyone agreed upon.

Dust Sculpture – by Roger Hiorns

A past nominee for the 2009 Turner price, Roger Horns is an expert in producing work with unusual mediums. He created a dust sculpture from the atomized remains of a jet engine.

Body Worlds – by Dr. Gunther von Hagens

The German anatomist Dr Gunther von Hagens became known internationally for his ability to turn human beings into real life statues. He did this by a process that he created called plastination. This process involves putting liquid plastic solutions into the body of a dead volunteer, the solution would then harden, which preserves the cadaver in its entirety. While Von Hagens originally planned for the plastinated bodies to be used for the study of anatomy primarily, over the years his work became more artsy than they did anything else. In more recent years, a new technique by which he sliced open the bodies to create wafer thin cross-sections of them. He did his first exhibition of the bodies in 1995, in Japan. Two years after that he launched his first “Body Worlds” exhibition.

It was in the year 2002 when he performed an autopsy live on British television despite the warnings he received by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Anatomy that it would be considered a criminal act.

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